Getting Motivated to Make a Difference - In Yourself

I've been called a commitment-phobe more than once in my life.  Once I set mind mind to something, I frequently fail to follow through.  In January, I made a commitment to myself to lose 30 pounds.  May came along and I had gained 5. 

While I was disappointed, I realize that the weight isn't just going to come off all by itself.  With renewed vigor, I committed to losing that extra 5 as well as the original 30.  So far, I have lost the extra 5, but the original 30 aren't budging.

I want so badly to make changes in myself that lead to a healthier lifestyle.  In turn, I know these changes will lead to weight loss.  If I want it so badly, why can't I break the old habits and make the change.  Daily, I look at the parts of me I consider flawed and think, "I really need to start working out again.  Tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will start working out again." Then tomorrow comes and I find an excuse to put my resolution off yet another day.

So what is my problem?  Where has my motivation gone?  I find excuses around every turn.  The drive to the gym is too long.  I can't wake up that early. I have too much housework to do (sadly, that doesn't get done either).  My routine is out of whack, it will get better when the kids go back to school. 

Do you find yourself in the same rutt?  How does one move past?  What can be done to put the healthy living train back on track?


Kim of Mo Betta said...

I feel that way too! I keep saying I'm going to do this and that, but end up putting it off..."my house is going to be cleaner, I'm going to get more organized, I'm going to workout/lose weight/eat healthy, blahblahblah" One problem, I spend too much time doing this - I need to get off the computer! One thing I did (that I'd sort of like to kick my a@@ for) is that I registered for a 5K (my first). I knew that if I committed to something like that (it's in September) that I would HAVE to workout to get ready for it. B/c not wanting to look like a fool is a pretty good motivator. So - I have been running, at least 3 times a week. Haven't lost any weight and my joints hurt...but that's another story :P

clschaan said...

You have to put yourself first .. screw the housework. As for motivation .. it comes with action, at least this is what I find for myself. The more you take care of yourself the more inclined you will be to continue doing so!

Small Town Girl said...

It is so hard to keep the motivation going. I don't know the answer, but what helped me was hanging around skinny bitches....that and I have to wear a swimsuit in front of people I know in a month. That'll do it every time. :)

GunDiva said...

Not a clue how to keep the motivation going. Mine up and went without me. Still working on it, though. I've started with very small changes - stop eating when I'm full; don't eat just 'cause there's food available; get up and move. I'm only down a pound or so, but it was painless, so I'll keep it up. Maybe as I start seeing more changes, I'll find more motivation.

Unknown said...

I was there too! I had that same goal at the beginning of the year but a broken toe, then a broken bone in THE OTHER DAMN foot ruined that idea.

I started again last week and decided to write a daily diary so I can see what I'm doing each day.

It's only been one week but I'm doing okay. 11 weeks to go. F*ck. I'm hoping that once I see some weight coming off, the momentum will build and motivation will tag along.

FourJedis said...

This type of stuff has been my problem my whole life. It was finding something that made me click to actually keep up with doing it. I found a Crossfit gym where I liked the people and felt like they held me accountable for showing up, plus I wanted to do well, show up, and hang with these cool peeps. As far as eating better, I kind of was forced into it. My youngest is allergic to cow's milk, and refuses to wean (ridiculous, I know), so I have to make all of his and my food from scratch, so I've gotten pretty good about only putting the healthy stuff in. Prior to a year ago, though, I was a lost cause (still am the most unmotivated person in the world, but making ends meet).

gayle said...

This is so me!! I said everything that you have said!! I am off for the summer and said.......I'll work out more b/c I am off...didn't! I'll eat more healthy b/c I am out of work ...didn't. I haven't done much of anything and I don't even have kids at home. You would think I could lose 40 pound easy ...I have done it before!! I really really need something to get me going........but not sure what.

Amy DM said...

Right there with you all! I have a new goal--lose at least 25 pounds by January 25. I'm traveling to the States for a conference and would like to make my hubby proud with my shape and fitness.

I really need a buddy to hold me accountable. Any takers?

Sandra said...

Just do it. Nike was absolutely right. And you have lost five lbs so you know you can. Be proud of what you've lost and keep going...I know, I sound so lame, but it's the best I got!

Together We Save said...

I am totally not motivated so I am not the right one to ask!!