Getting The Train Back On The Track

I know, you're all asking the same question.....what have you done for me lately? Absolutely nothing if posting frequency is any indication.

We're still here, life seems to be getting in the way. Stephanie's been off romping at Blissdom'10, That One Mom was ..... hey woman what have you been up to?!?! Daffy is dealing with sickness, Zgirl...well what can we say about Zgirl. She's had her life turned upside down in a totally awesome way. If you haven't heard her news, stop by her blog and wish her well. I...well I'm just lazy.

So choo choo. In order to get the train back on the track I'd like to do a 6 week check in. Can you believe we've been at this for six weeks?!?! It seems like years....kidding. I (and all the other beotches) want to know how your doing. So I want each of you to send me an email, tell me how much you've lost so far and your best moment to date in the LIB challenge. I know you could put it in the comments and I know you have been very diligent about posting your weekly updates (ahem... consider this a gentle kick in the butt for those that haven't been quite so diligent). I'm then going to do a post listing ALLLL our successes to date. I have a three day weekend coming up and need something to do, right?

I'll tell you mine right now. Up until last night I've been doing the whole walk for 2 minutes run for 2 minutes. I ran for 15 minutes straight last night. It was an incredible feeling. If we could bottle that feeling of accomplishment and sell it on ebay we'd all be rich.

Let's make this a bit fun shall we? I have a $20 Chapters card for whoever has lost the highest % of weight to date. No, I don't want pics of your scales to prove it. I'm going to take you at your word. Just know...if you lie to me...I'll know. Mothers have eyes in the back of their head ya know. To figure out your percent divide the pounds lost by your beginning weight. So if you weighed 200 pounds and you've lost 10 the answer will be 0.05 which is 5%. Mad math skillz...I know.

So hop to it! Email addy is dualmomatgmaildotcom (why do people write out there email addresses like that in blogland?)

One more thing, I'm incredibly proud of all of you. Four months ago I never thought it would be possible to be so proud of a bunch of people I've never "met". I'm proud of you for caring enough about yourselves to take on this challenge to get healthy. For caring so much about each other to offer an amazing level of support and encouragement to your fellow bloggers. I read the comments each of you leaves when someone posts an update, and it fills my heart knowing there are so many kind, strong, beautiful people in the world. For that I thank you.

So kuddos to you.



KristinFilut said...

I have been.... Um... I really have no idea what I've been doing. Hahaha, but I have been recently accused of not having a blog, so I've been crazy busy writing to prove those girls wrong...

Danielle said...

Glad to have you back. 7 weeks in for me and I have only lost 2-4 lbs, depending on what day I actually weigh myself. But I have been working my butt off at the gym and feel more solid. It am starting to get my definition back. I don't care what the scale says as long as I feel good. All and all, I guess it is good.

Laura said...

I can't wait to see some of the great % numbers a lot of the followers will put up. I know a few who are doing really well!

I'm down 7 pounds in 6 weeks. Not bad, not spectacular. I'll post my % later.

Anonymous said...

I am for sure gonna sit down and write out a LIB post this weekend!

I have gained 5 pounds. WTH? Oh yea - it was all that piggin' out at Blissdom... LOL

Menopausal New Mom said...

Hi There, just did my weigh in for tomorrow's post. I've lost 11 pounds in total, 170 start and now down to 159 as of this morning!

gayle said...

I just keep trying!!

Stephanie said...

Well, I am looking forward to more frequent updates from all of you! Best of luck.
BODA lose weight

Unknown said...

ummmmm......yep....that's all I've got....

Unknown said...

I've done OK but could be better. I'm down 6.4lbs since 01/01/10 but have struggled a bit in the middle. I've been attending my new love - Bikram Hot Yoga, I've tried Zumba - thanks to this site, I'm going to train to walk 60 miles in 3 days for the Kidney Foundation and I've signed up with a PT to help me gain some strength to let me walk that far...
That's about all I've been up to :)

Anonymous said...

I love the comment..."I just keep trying." That's me in a nutshell.